Halloween Horrors

Fear of Heights

Fear of Death

Fear of The Number 13

The biggest challenge that I encountered during this assignment was the insertion of the cliff in the picture of Fear of Heights because I was not able to take a picture of it or anything like it. I had a basis of what I wanted it to look like, based on images I saw while researching the fear of heights. Most of the pictures I saw related to a cliff, there were very few that I could make possible, and accomplish the assignment. However, unlike the photographers, who took pictures at the same level as the person in the picture, I was unable to go to a cliff and take a picture.  I overcame it by knowing what I wanted the cliff to look like, and then, when I changed the opacity, I made it look like the cliff had texture. I also added some black lines, that had varying opacity. I also changed the brightness to a higher or a lower brightness. This made it look much more real, especially by adding the clouds, and by shrinking the size of Colin, it made the cliff look much bigger.


One Comment

  1. xavierlua24

    I love the idea you had for the fear of heights photo. I have not seen anyone else try to do the same thing that you did with this phobia. The whole concept with the cliff and the clouds is something unique that you came up with yourself which I like. I believe your photo could be better if you used an actual cliff photo and clouds and cropped out the parts you needed. I also believe if you chose a photo without the trees in the background, you could have made the height seem more vast. For example, if you chose a photo with just the sky or a higher up place, it would’ve shown the phobia better. I believe that if you used a real photo of a cliff and clouds as said before, it would’ve looked better. MIxing the photo with the drawing of the cliff and clouds made it seem a little tacky, so I would use something that would blend in with the surroundings, unless that was the approach you wanted to take. I would also use a higher place next time as well to emphasize the height in the photo.

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